The character design looks okay but the game is pretty much broken and the music choice is also fine, btw it was thanks to you that i found out about acumen nation :D if your still active on newgrounds and reading this comment lol
Prove you're the street king. A beat-em-up game that'll have you at the edge of your seat!
NOTE: This was released ONLY with the permission of Tom Fulp directly, and is not stolen :)
The character design looks okay but the game is pretty much broken and the music choice is also fine, btw it was thanks to you that i found out about acumen nation :D if your still active on newgrounds and reading this comment lol
God, those dash attacking baddies really grind my gears, and what's worse about it is that, once you enter the robot and the enemies destroy your mech, you aren't able to fill your rage power anymore.
it was kinda fun but it was just a little off,
in the how to play u say hit A and B but then talk about A and S and B doesnt do anything also it was meh nothing to make me want to play again
Another "line them up fighters".
Honestly, this style of game has been't done before, and I'm not even remotely impressed by this.
Recall, if some of you would, a title called "Crunchdown", a "3-2D plane" fighter, almost exactly like this I would be so far to go. But you know what was good about Crunchdown?
1) It had an interesting premise: Eating people. While "Street King" offers you two choice of fighter types...really, there's no difference. You're going to get your ass whooped either way. Why? You may say I just suck, or other wise, but hitting people in this game seems to range from impossible to, I am trying to fit my hand through the top of a can of coke. There's nothing interesting about this game, you get beat up, that's it really.
2) Grahpics: There's nothing spectacular about the graphics here. I don't really care about 'It follows dadn'me', I care that a game comes out looking good.
3) Recommendations: Side scrolling fighting games are not interesting anymore, they're bland (to me) without a special premise. Make the muscle guy flex and cause people to run in fear; make the fast guy punch faster for 3 seconds, something. This is bland, I know there are "strong attacks" ...but really, those are everywhere...
Overall, 2/5, some of that comes from my prejudice of this genre of game, but I really don't feel that this deserves more than a three, at a stretch.
fair enough, thanks for your honest review :)