I like the character models. They remind me of my old Battle Masters game which was this big plastic sheet you put on the floor with a deck of action cards and hundreds of humans and monsters arranged into units. Humans had a big cannon and the monsters had the Ogre Champion. I had a blast playing it.
Camera resets every round which is annoying and the view of the field is too small. We should be able to zoom out or at least have the camera stay where we put it. For the next game (or this one) I would suggest more automation to cut down on micro-management. Units should start already placed (default) with the option to move them around. Second, the button to start the battle or end a turn should come with a context menu "Are you sure?" Last, a turn order should be apparent at the top of the screen and the next unit should already be selected by the computer instead of forcing the player to move, attack and then click again to see if there are any moves left or units that haven't gone that round.