Not a bad game. The graphics are a bit crude and it's got that obvious home-made feel to it, but if you're a fan of classic console RPG style games, you'll be right at home with this one.
I'm about 2 hours into it now, it's a bit grindy, but it's still got me playing, because I just gotta know what's next.
Notes for the dev:
1. Logic: Why doesn't Dad start with at least a training sword? He sells them, so why doesn't he come equipped with one? I have to get 10 heads to buy a sword, FROM HIM, just so that when I add him to the party, I can give it right back to him so that he can equip it. Seems kinda ridiculous.
2. Bug: If a character dies in combat and you heal at a bed or fountain, they get all their health and spell points back but they are still dead on the combat screen, even though the stats screen shows them at full health. You have to use a resurrect on them to get them to be alive in combat again. FIX: either the fountain shouldn't heal them, or it should heal them and also resurrect them.
3. Bug: There is no cancel button on the join request screen. If you have 3 in your party, and ask another to join, they can't join because the party is full, but you can't cancel the join because there is no button for that. So the game is stuck on the join screen and you have to restart.
4. Cosmetic: On the save screen, the times aren't padded with zeroes, so for example my save time shows "2:1:8" instead of "2:01:08"
5. Stats: Seem to be inconsistent. For example, my main character "Player" and Dad both have the same score for damage and equip the same weapon, but Player does 2-3 times more damage than Dad does.
6. Objects: If there is a mushroom on the ground, and I get pulled into combat, then after the combat is over, the mushroom will be in a different place.
And some more, not bugs, but my game play requests:
1. Info: I wish the healing spells would say how much healing they are going to do.
2. Trophies: I keep getting trophies but I have no idea what they are for (well, I can guess some). Anyway, should make it so that in the stat screen when I hover on them they have a description.
3. World: Sewers need some kind of boss or reward or some point to going down there.