Very Fun!!! XDDD
*UPDATE* You can play Escape the Bathroom Reloaded. It is the expansion to Escape the Bathroom and incorporates everything you see on this game and more.
You can play it here on NG at: /portal/view/532887 (Minus the Space)
This is the first sponsored game ever! As you may have guessed, you must escape out of a bathroom. How you end up there originally? Who knows! I highly recommend turning on audio for this game as this game makes heavy use of it.
Since this is our first game, things may not be at their best. This was a learning process for us, after all. Please be thorough with any reviews written too :) We plan on fixing errors and adding to the game as necessary. Thanks and enjoy!
PS: There is a walkthrough on our site. Do your best to try and escape before resorting to the guide.
PPS: We forgot to mention it, but the ending song is the Resident Evil 5 Chapter End song. Credits to them for that!
There are 2 easter eggs, some have found the first, but so far no one has found the other..can you?
*Update* We have added a better working preloader. Enjoy.
Very Fun!!! XDDD
awesome game!
im going to put thise bigass thing in my pocket
Hehehe!!! Woooow.
I have a Toilet in my Pocket ha-ha