Amazing and I love it, I am definitely not the creator I am a different person who loves this animation for real
I made this little beauty when I was 12. I'm 18 now. And it's still up. It's been seven years. What are you thinking? This is like...the paramount of all Newgrounds. It is the mascot of all things wonderful. It is simply the greatest thing ever created by a single man without the aid of divine intervention. I'm so surprised that I could have mastered the fine art of Flash 5 and managed to impress so many people, and change so many lives. Simply imagine how life would be, how desolate and meaningless our meager existence would be, if not for this unrequited piece of work. The sheer magnitude of this masterpiece is a force to now be reckoned with in the Newgrounds community. And I, knowing that the audiences of are an intelligent and socially applicable people, wish to take the time to thank all of you for allowing me to share this gift of light and hope with the world. I can only hope that one day, the children of our planet will follow in my foot steps, not as a human, but as martyrs, to lead the population of sad civilians into a brave new world of love and understanding for one another. And perhaps from there, we will understand the true meaning of life and death and begin to forge a new universe in which balance is the basic key to all things natural and other. No, but seriously, Meatball dance is awesome.
Amazing and I love it, I am definitely not the creator I am a different person who loves this animation for real
didnt get hwy is rated adult X) sort of stupid but t00w can u xpect from a 3grader anyway X)
this is still here?seriously, this should be blammed.i could make a better animation, and i dont have much knowledge of flash at all
Meatball dance is eternal. You can never destroy it, so you may as well learn to embrace it. Allow it into your soul.
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 3.3856 to 3.3911!
OmFg Iam voting 5... why am i voting 5? coz something like this crap-a-shit is staying her sow long and for that ima reviewing not even for the movie itself...