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Sharp Shooter Part-I

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Hey guys,

I've just released a new shooting game, and It would be great if you guys could take a look at it and let me know what you think.


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It's ambitious, but it has alot of problems and some things need tweaking. I can defeinetely see the effort you put in though.

Some improvement needed (Just a little bit!)

Sloooooow dooooown

It's alright, but it's pretty fast paced, monsters move way quickly and by spam clicking there is almost nothing you can't hit. Maybe add more levels an upgrade system and I'd be sold.

nice try

but i think there is room for alot of improvment such as moving your char. with aswd or every updownleftright, also , powerups and maybe the monsters dont leave they just get more and more on screen and you have to dodge? idk just a thought

I'll tell you what i think....

This is really good, well done - Good points
- Nice aim and click: not many people do this
- Monsters and guy look cool
- Good, all round difficulty
- tell me how many I've missed and stuff

- Bad points
- Couldn't see score afterwards (glitch?)
- More levels and weapons would have been good
- Not enough time to play game!

Needs Lots of Work


Gameplay - Nothing very engaging here. Include different types of weapons, powerups. Perhaps, include a health system or something. Monsters go right through you.

Graphics - Needs lots of improvement on monsters and backgrounds.

Controls - Probably the best aspect of the game. Very simple controls. Just point and click.

Audio - Only one sound effect from what I can tell - the gunshot, and it gets monotonous and annoying. Include some sounds when the monsters get hit and die, but due to such limited gameplay, there's not much to improve upon until the gameplay itself improves.

Notes/Polish/Other - Your Mochi preloader is glitched. The loader bar des not reflect the actual amount of content loaded, and then it disappears well before the bar has reached full.

- Ziro out.

Credits & Info

2.00 / 5.00

Oct 6, 2009
11:51 AM EDT