great game
i just couldn't beat the last mission
Sniping zombies :)
great game
i just couldn't beat the last mission
Well done...
The gameplay is interesting but without more action the game is getting boring after 3-4 lvl.
Gets old fast
First off all, I like the idea of zombie sniping, it seems like a fairly enjoyable thing to do, but this game really failed to impress me overall. The aiming system was like CorpseGrinder said more suited to an artillery game, even though it was easy enough to figure out (the second time), it just didn't fit. The zombies didn't advance or attack in any way, and I found this kind of dull. There where no upgrades and no real reason to continue playing for more then five minutes.
To improve the game, make it more of a sniper game. Make it where the zombies can attack the character and you must find a good sniping location (good field of view and distance from nearing zombies) in order to avoid them or pick them off in time. Shot placement would also count, perhaps it would take two shots to the center mass (body) or one to the head for a kill in order to make the game more interesting. There could also be unlockable weapons, for example, you start with a bolt action rifle where you have to operate the bolt after every shot (space button perhaps) and can unlock a semi-auto later or something like that. Perhaps there could also be friendlies in the area, survivors you don't shoot and need to protect for a few moments as they cross your field of view or something, after that it's up to them. These are just a few suggestions that could make for a more enjoyable playing experience and a higher rated game.
Gets realy old realy fast
thats about it
All too easy.
Well it's kind of a nice oldschool atmosphere to the game, but it really could use some greater challenge and complexity. There was literaly one zombie and a bat as the enemies in this game, and this was stretched out for ten levels.
The aiming system was novel, but it seemed rather like a better tactic for an artillery game or guided missile game than a sniping game. It held little urgency save hoping to get a score better than "sharp shooter", which in itself is indicative of the difficulty curve, if it's the first time I'm playing the game and I'm getting high praise in the times when I screw up, it's wonky. The only challenge was the "oh it doesn't tell me I had to shoot that one bat while it was asleep until after I've lost."
I think it's an interesting engine, but I think it's misused and needs to be more in-depth for it to really have an appeal that's worth the annoying ads pasted all over it.