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The Insanity

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UPDATE 25/01/2023

Still not any closer to doing the remake as I've two games to get through. *sigh* One is called 'Famished' then I've also got to finish 'Feast of the Maggotoid' (link below). They're coming along very well, and you can get a preview of the work in progress on the Discord.

Oh btw, here's how to reach me these days via Discord. https://discord.gg/JhhzHUr9AD

Come along, chat about The Insanity or the latest projects, or game dev. I'm always around.

Yes I'm working my British butt-cheeks off to get a demo out for Famished within the next month or so but lordy lordy is it slow going, see the difference with full 3d vs 2d is the workload. Rather than doing 2 hrs in adobe to do a location I'm having to fixture a bunch of 3d models, some of which I'm having to make, texture, uv map. god, it takes forever. You can't get much done without a team of at least 3-4 peeps but unfortunately people do tend to be fickle, or rather their motivation dries up, and before you know it I'm back to doing it all by my onesies again. Sadly it's never been harder to make indie games solo, and it seems like 99% of the peeps out there can't. It's a strange contrast because the entry level is low, and there are a ton of tutorials and assets out there that can fool people into thinking it's all a piece of cake-- then they start scaling their games and realizing they don't know anything about OOP paradigms such as inheritance, state machines, ECS architecture and the like, and they abandon ship.

The good news? ChatGPT is insanely (get the pun hehe?) handy for all of this. It has shot down my coding time by at least half, and not only that but can also come in handy just for general dialogue and prose for the story-writing. So, yeah yeah, promises promises...watch this space.

UPDATE 30/06/2022

Getting closer to the remake. Another dev and I are currently hard at work on our Unity game - 'FEAST OF THE MAGGOTOID' at present. Insanity Remake is next. As mentioned before on the fb page, I had to put the brakes on the project due not having the chops at the time to do a proper version that could do the game justice, but now after a couple of years of training myself I'm fully confident I've the 'skillz' to knock this bitch out of the park!

Think you could add to the project yourself? Write to me- I'll be looking to form a team of 3-4 members, so anyone with c#/unity or blender modelling in their portfolio may apply. Rev share deal. Till next update!

UPDATE 05/01/2021

Hey folks, Happy New Year and Sayonara Flash! Been a while. Still plugging away at the remake. It's nuts but even though the game has been out a decade I've only JUST realized there's a bug. To get rid of the annoying intro music playing throughout, ensure to SKIP the intro screen. This will stop the Audio Listener and allow you to play the game as it was intended. Also, do be aware The Machine is ridiculously hard to get past and this was not intentional- my apologies. I was very much (well, still am) a noob coder in those days and didn't know anything about timers and such so the stage paced well on my ancient laptop.

UPDATE - 03/04/2020

This is EvilKris- creator of the game. Hi, the graphic novel has been discontinued (for now) and The Insanity 1 is being remade as a first person game, coded in Unity- with plans to do the same for the second game. And if all goes well they'll finally be an Insanity 3. Come and support the project over at https://evilkris.blogspot.com/

UPDATE - 24/12/2015

This is EvilKris- creator of the game. Just letting you know that 'The Insanity' series is being adapted to graphic novel format, entirely sketched and written by myself. You can check out the updates on the FB page here - https://www.facebook.com/The-Insanity-a-Graphic-Novel-874163545970945/

If you want to support the continuation of the series, it is crucial that you check in and LIKE or comment. Your encouragement is much appreciated (and a requirement if you ever want to see what happens in part 3!)



This is a hybrid Action/Point&Click Horror Adventure game targeted not only for the casual P&C gamers but also fans of Resident Evil, Dead Space, Silent Hill etc. It was scheduled to be released for the NG Halloween Competition until I noticed you have to use the NG Banner, which wouldn't work with my current sponsorship deal. Oh well.here you are anyway NG.


MOUSE. Items can be picked up with clicking and dropped back into the inventory by clicking within the inventory area or via DOUBLE-CLICK.


The story starts with you waking in a room of a terrifying and gore-infested house. You're covered in bandages and your identity is a mystery to all but few-including yourself. As you make your escape you uncover that the house is the lair of amaniacal ex-chief of surgery the media have labelled 'THE DOCTOR', a psychotic ex-chief of surgery who now labours his days experimenting with a dark and abhorred surgical art, the practice of vivisection- the matching of human and animal limb. You are his latest victim to his cause. Going further into the game you realise that all is not what it seems, and that there are secrets to be discovered, and some that will shock you to the core.


THE INSANITY follows the tradtion of many previous point'n'click games but also features many action sub-games to keep the player on his toes, which involve battles or solving puzzles within set time limits. Traditional P&N players might find the game a little fast-paced in places.


Make no bones about it the themes of THE INSANITY are disturbing. and the game itself aims to be one of the scariest Flash titles out there. Please be aware the graphics and story are vivid and in many cases disturbing so the game targets the slightly older generation of gamers (12+) and is not suitable for young children to play with its stark psychological themes and unsettling images of horror and gore.


Site-locked Non Exclusive sponsorship available. Please contact me personally or visit Flash Game License for more information.


More information about the game (include post-dev write-up) can be found here on my blog.

http://ydjapan.blogspot.c om/

Please mention it in the thread below if you uncover any bugs/major glitches

That's about it! Play it late at night with the lights off and the volume up and enjoy!



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this game is cool and disturbing at the same time

i assume this is what happens when a doctor goes schizo over his guro and furry tendencies

love the exmortis influence,
honestly idk if it's just me but it feels like the game crapped the bed with the whole "you were edgar friendly all along you melonhead!"

then why were we escaping ? who was Edgar fooling here, himself ?

EvilKris responds:

Yes, he attempted to deceive himself, but ultimately failed. This storyline was originally intended to be fleshed out for the third game. #1 revolves around a failed experiment. The protagonist, Friendly, seeks to adopt the identity of Peter Langdon in order to find a cure for his neurological depravity. Assisted by Tracy Takaki, they employ a series of Altered States of Consciousness programming to 'reprogram' Friendly's thoughts. The initial plan was for Friendly to awaken from an induced coma without any memory of his true self. However, a setback occurred during the week he was unconscious: the vivisects within the house exhausted their supply of the serum known as 'The Insanity,' which is crucial for maintaining their relatively stable mental state. Without it, they progressively exhibit extreme personalities before succumbing to death. Meanwhile, having managed to lock Friendly into a safety of an iron cage, Tracy becomes trapped in the house and faces imminent danger from the deteriorating vivisects. Fortunately, she manages to restore them to normalcy and brings an end to the 'game'
It's a bitter-sweet ending, as though she has her partner back for a while, she knows he'll slip back into the pattern of a serial killer - and that would've led to events in the third title.

Gotta admit, the ending got me, some of this stuff reminded me of Exmortis 2. Especially the visuals.

EvilKris responds:

The Exmortis series was the inspiration, in fact.

i can say you very much nailed the vibe and atmosphere of this game'

from the first time i open up this game i was instantly over takin by the visuals and
the feeing of dread sift thru my soul


some of that dread was lost almost immediately once i started reading the dialog.

man it's bad.....i mean the dialog is really bad, where it meant to be takin serious it sadly

becomes unintentionally funny as heck

but all and all it was a good experience even with the lack of hints and direction on what i'm

looking for when i'm trying to solve these puzzles.

ps. i'm going to make a review on the sequel.

pps. i know the game is free i was just giving my thought on i felt about the game as it is.

EvilKris responds:

you do realize the game is completely free, right?
I've told my agent to go get us George R.R.Martin for the script remake.

Credits & Info

4.26 / 5.00

Oct 1, 2009
5:09 AM EDT
  • Daily 4th Place October 2, 2009