The melancholy,it's perfect for the game.I hope you will make more song like this,a song can make my heart feeling frozen
This is made for EvilKris' game "The Insanity".
This is a more "in game" version of the music, less intrusive, letting players to focus more on the gameplay but at the same time adding some ambient to the game.
Composed by Mihai Sorohan 2009
The melancholy,it's perfect for the game.I hope you will make more song like this,a song can make my heart feeling frozen
Thanks for review. Check out my latest music, this is a bit old already :)
Just a note*
This track has been used in the game, in the final scene. Fits perfectly IMO.
Sorohanro's other track, Arpegio.No.1 has been put to use in the credits at the end of the game.
Your game rocks :)
And now with the rock track in the credits rocks even more :))
Thanx for review.
oh how i love someone who knows what hes doing
Ok, after having listened to 3 of your tracks i can say with absolute certainty that you are a good musician that has a good sense of melodical composing and no trouble making music in any genre. This track is so goosebump inducing, those background sounds are really good and the musicbox melody just makes it all the more creepier. Reminds me of the childrens room in koudelka (a game for the ps1) where you find vigna and valna . ;(
Great work.
You should check Evil Kris' game... now that's a goosebump inducing thing ;)
Thanx for review.
Very dark and atmospheric, I checked out the orchestral version also but preferred this stripped back presentation more. I do tend to prefer more minimal pieces.
Good use of background noises, the more metallic ones were reminiscent of Aphex Twin's Gwarek2. (And that's a compliment :) )
Smallest of small improvements would be to lengthen the length of the release on the envelope for the final notes being played in the celesta parts.
It works very well as it stands though.
Good work!
Thanx, I'm glad you like it.
Celesta I recorded in another program with some real samples, made a loop... can't change it now, and I'm way too lazy to remake the loop :)).
Excellent song
Excellent song, nicely done.
Thank you very much.
Check the long orchestral version also, you might like it ;)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.