I will give you that the graphics were good, beyond that I have to toss this into the pile of escape games where you just click and combine randomly to get out. The 'solution' is nonsensicle. Escape games should be logic puzzles, even if they happen to be lateral thinking logic puzzles (as many are) they should be logic puzzles. I also agree with what others have commented about your lack of lableing and comments with interactions. So a few recommendations I would make if you plan on putting these out weekly..
1. Add commentary with interactions, along with graphics (which you seem to have down) the commentary is a huge part of the asthetics of the game, and important for augmenting gameplay.
2. Even though the graphics were pretty and polished, the world you created felt very stiff, although part of this is lack of feedback (i.e. comments) adding little motions or additional interactivity would be nice. The room had three switches, none of which did anything. You also couldn't turn in any dirrection you wanted too. Though your graphics went at lengths to try and look 3d the room did not feel 3d.
3. Along the lines of stiffness you may want to consider swapping the cheezy music for some light ambient sounds. It adds greatly to the feel of a game (especially an escape game).
4. Along the lines of your music the mute button should be immediately visible, I would suggest giving the button it's own background so it won't blend in with the background.
5. And of course logic. Lateral thinking is fine. But connecting wires to wood beads on a toy because a flashing light told you to? Honestly there is a switch right next to the door. If you are going to go that route why not have the user remove the face plate of the switch, connect the wires and turn on the switch. Much more logical flow of events.
If trying to fit in important parts of gameplay and interactivity into a game seems a bit much to do in a week, perhaps it would be better that you expand your timeline to produce something that is really worth talking about. You can do it.