It is the same as above
The second Awesome Face game.. sucks almost as bad as the last one.. srsly.. you shouldn't play it.. DON'T.. I bet you already did =_=
Anyhow, there's an obvious easter egg, probably harder not to find it rather than finding it.
My own high-score: 12435
It is the same as above
Awesome got 8050 :D
I can't believe you made a game that looks just like the last one. Only things different are the mushrooms and you can die.
What can I say? I'm cheap that way
It i preaty good i mean as long as you have that song there you cant get bored! ofcourse a bit of extras would be nice but the easter egg is funny law!!! May de awesome be with you... [Greg Einstein]
Lol thanks, I'm actually thinking of doing more silly games (with better quality ofc). This game was totally half-assed since it was for a school project I didn't really care for. Also at this time I had only used flash for 12 hours in a total ;P