gets really fast boaring
in the beginmning is fun but in the 5 min. becomes bored
Super Cars is a 2-4 player game. Use the Flame-thrower, Collect big n' small coins to win.
If you find any glitches, bugs, teknical problems or something please say it on the reviewtable.(down)
6 Diffrent modes: 2p, 3p, 2 vs 1, 4p, 2 vs 2 and 3 vs 1.
PLEASE, write a review.
Write and say what u think is cool and what's poor.
What did you think about the graphic, idea, funny?
gets really fast boaring
in the beginmning is fun but in the 5 min. becomes bored
Gets old quickly.
The controls work -- that's the best thing I can say.
Since there's only one background, no collisions, no more levels, and all the score does is go positive or negative... it has zero replayability (and not much playability, come to that). Graphics are simple, but that's not necessarily a bad thing -- as long as there's more to the game. And in this case there isn't.
The same thing that makes this boring in the single-player that you discarded is what makes it boring, period.
I liked the song
that's all = ) whats the name but ya needs a one player mode work on the weapons actually doing something maybe at very least throwing them in a diff direction and work on a collision effect should they hit and maybe tweek the graphics. It's got some potential but it just needs more in the content but ya congrats on a techno song I actually like.
Needs a one player mode. Also you can drive under other cars. There should be a hit test there, and teh flamethrower dose nothing. If your helth reaches 0 the car should die not have your helth go negative. I see potential but it ant there yet.
I had 1 player at the start but its boring.
Fire will make you get + score and the one you fire on will get - score.
Not bad but the loading seems to take most of my time..
It takes under 10 seconds for me...?