Decided to give this a chance. I began the first area and was slightly surprised that there was no tutorial or anything since there are no controls listed in the author's comments either so I figured it must be basic stuff. I clicked, nothing happened, so my next thought is arrow keys or wasd. I pressed the right arrow key and my character took one step forward before coming to a stop. Zombies began coming for me. Up, down, left, right, I began pressing them all multiple times and getting absolutely no reaction from the character. Desperate, I pressed the spacebar. This made my character jump. And jump. And jump. In fact for the remainder of the time I played this game my character was jumping straight up as soon as his feet touched the ground despite my having only pressed the spacebar once. This bought me a little time since 2/3rds of the zombies attacks were now missing. I turned to ASD, each of which caused my character to punch while he's jumping. Unlike the one-press spacebar, punching only occured when I actually pressed a punch button. Every now and then I went back and checked the mouse, spacebar, and the arrow keys but nothing ever changed. I was incapable of moving any further. I was incapable of ceasing my jumping. I was incapable of being entertained by fighting zombies while hopping in place.