Pretty interesting concept
I like the concept idea. The levels are pretty interesting and I enjoy the gameplay. Overall its a great game and could definatly be expanded in a 'Polarized 2' one day. I really enjoyed the game idea from the start though!
A few things I'd like to see however:
-More smoother gameplay. I'm not sure about this but it feels like the ball move design looks kind of strange, like it's not 'smoothly moving' or the ball design is making it seem that way.
-New music. I could not stand the music, its very hard to concentrate with high pitch sqeeks music. I also would of liked a music button in game, though not nessassary, as its in the menu, but would be better in the game itself as a toggle switch. But the music, I believe is the worst thing, you REALLY need to change it to something a bit more friendly to the ears. I know you were going for the 'technology' kinda music, but I really had issues with this.
-For stupid people, I'd make the tutorial/example walk through when you first play the game at level 1. People don't understand that a menu button does exist and I could see them not understanding the whole concept of the game without it sometimes. Even when you click play for the first time it asking you "Do you want to play a tutorial/read instructions?'