best eye ever scene except for the rubber plunger that comes out of the sky with your mothers face on the back cover under the latch with spiders in all the right places and charlie daniels music playing while they sink their fangs into your birthday cake while your favorite wife watches even though she can't dance to the beat but there's nothing else to eat so you call up josh while he sleeps under the building across the street in the woods where teletype is king but no soup for you is the way to get things done with the homosexual father of a five story building in your tackle box. I also am not a stupid American fast food nose picker under the Delaware pseudonym little fat girlfriend who learned that from her five brothers when nobody was watching, that's why she's so good in a parked car in the snow with a blanket in the trunk in 1975 when the bitch was only 15 and she could swallow your arm with a bottle of two dollar tequila from Michigan where the real men roll in the mud with pigs named mom but the little fat chicks just keep on pumping it the way their daddy taught them to in a box with no locks and your fox wears socks while dancing like a black girl named debbie watches your heartrate building up with each and every stroke on the clock in the kitchen hallway right there under the cheezewhiz periscope piano heartburn stethoscope olives (without pits, of course) but seriously folks purple microdot is the definition of time space reality bytes in to your butter brickle ice cream sandwich on toasted pumpernickel with a side order of flashback fuckyou fiddlesticks finklestein cashmere led zeppelin zinc dirigible ted nugent soundgarden til you all just disappear...clos du bois works if you can't afford to smoke iranian plutonium in your mom's crockpot with all those onions on the floor, y'all want some more? We got it fine right here in sunny zimbabwe where the skinny girl is so fat you can fly a gourd through her hallway and not touch the sides in which I can no longer tolerate any of those bald headed faggots thinking that they are better than me just because I am normal in their twisted perspective periscope I already said periscope but this one is not a penis I swear in a stack of maple syrup covered bibles that scare the shit out of obama's mama's heartburn medicine (poi) in the "Grand Scheme" of all things ridiculous of course I play doom 95 on my radio all the time while the soldiers keep on marching to the beat of a different buttercup licking penile colony. Buttercup is of course a euphemism for buttercup. Just because it has never happened doesn't mean that it never will come out of a bottle of merlot or even a loaf of sweet potato cheesebread made by the fishes of the deep blue eyes of that girl in the old smobile while she swallows all of the life force smiling at you through the steering wheel of course of course there is no internet except the one that you have created it all happened forty years ago I wonder where she is and if she would like to go for a ride in my car now.