You have one the game!
Derp what is that?
Btw, cheat: right click, next, you won.
Arrows: Move
Drag spawn point: Mouse
I made this game in 46.2 minutes. So don't yell at me. >.<
You have one the game!
Derp what is that?
Btw, cheat: right click, next, you won.
nice little mini-game
you could do much more with it, and polish it up. but you slow down your games reputation by slaping it togther and not re thinking about it.
I hope you can take more time with your games cause they do have potential
Thanks I'll work on that. :3
Holy Shat
You made this in 46 minutes wow! Im only saying that becuase the gameplay is UBER-SIMPLE (yeah thats right i did just say that) the graphics were actually pretty good considering that there was motion blur but the sensitive controls fucked me over. Still if i took you 4 days to make this i woulda given you a 4 but 46 minutes thats awesome!
Yay, my first 10/10. ^.^ Thanks.
Not bad
You know what! This would really need an arcade mode :)
This only is getting a little boring in short time..
Yeah, i very much dislike games that never end so I didn't add one.
It was alright game play. Good for how long you took to make it. Incredibly easy, I just stayed at the starting cross and waited for about two minutes to let the circles populate and got 100 in no time.
Hmmm, I should of put some kinda time limit. <_<