its kinda good but not good graphics its mostly a fun puzzleish adventure game i would give it a 7
its not that bad so try it u might like it... i kinda liked it. a fun challenge
Daw's Tale,
Use arrow keys to move, use mouse to buy things in store, space bar to swing sword,
its kinda good but not good graphics its mostly a fun puzzleish adventure game i would give it a 7
its not that bad so try it u might like it... i kinda liked it. a fun challenge
could be way better
definately could use work on graphics, and some touch ups on the fighting, as far as hit zone or whatever you want to call it when your swinging a weapon. decent start though.
it's ok
had fun beating it
This game is kinda stupid. You need to walk some distances to get gold and buy stuf. Neither fun, non amusing.
Did you really test this?
I'm sorry, this is not a complete game. There are too many bugs, the control scheme is flawed and the art is unstyled and incomplete. As far as bugs, I found the sword to be the most buggy aspect of the game, it rarely was actually connected to me so much so that during the stage where you have to clear the mountaintop for a gate key I was able to kill all of the monters without ever coming close to them. It is an easily exploitable and also an easily fixable bug.
With regards to your control scheme, an adventure game is supposed to allow you to make quick decisions. Your control scheme does not allow for that. Arrow keys should always be directional, controlling the character in this game felt more like driving a car than moving a person. While I get that this was probably because you couldn't figure out how to make the sprite look in the correct direction any other way, it is not an excuse as there are countless communities online that make finding solutions to problems like this easy.
Now, the art, I mean, come on. There was no effort put into the art and it is apparent, I mean, your enemies are red circles of varying sizes. Everything feels bland and unfinished.
My suggestion for you is that you continue to work on this game, as this feels like it might be a test demo for a finished project later. Continue to work out code solutions for things like the control scheme and the sword control, flesh out the art, add some animations and try to create a more coherent storyline that actually compels a player to go from stage to stage.