Good job on ripping off Newgrounds sim
This game has been in production for over a month, but it's finally done.
I had always wanted to make a game about being a freelance actionscripter
and I thought this turned out pretty well.
Click on stuff
hold space to see your stats
you can find cheats at:
and you can click on the sailboat painting on the home screen to change your name
Programmed by Magical-Zorse
Drawn by Fluffkomix (who is awesome, by the way)
have fun, kids
Good job on ripping off Newgrounds sim
Up there with Newgrounds SIM as one the best SIM games in general. Also up there with Newgrounds SIM for most addiciting.
cool cool
I have a suggestion
You might get better ratings if you have medals. Have one for each goal. It'd keep people interested and it'd make more people play.
Like the idea, but... becomes boring rather quickly. There should be more diversion in what you can do. All the actionscript stats do nothing at all.
Here's a suggestion: include the ability of writing your own games/animations, your skill in coding/designing would go up as you do so, the higher the skills the better received your games are. This could also increase your reputation, and perhaps open new options, such as additional job offers.
About jobs, they could bring you money, too. And the better your skills, the more satisfied your customers are, increasing your reputation again, for example.
You could also add events. Stuff that happens randomly and (such as a job offer that goes especially to you, a Newgrounds frontpage giving you extra reputation, ...) and positively or negatively affects stats.
A few more boosters and stuff would be nice, too.
That would make it way more interesting. I have to admit, I didn't even complete a single goal, because the status grinding was too dragging and boring.
i feel like it would be good but...
it doesnt load.... lol.
maybe a bug of some sort...