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Author Comments

This is a puzzle game i have created after a long time. Try to beat it if you can, there is only 1 level, and either you figure it out and beat it or you don't. It really matters on how intelligent you are.

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I got it on the first click! But the next time when I tried to show the REALY AWESOME SECRET to a friend it wasn't there! Does the position change randomly?
Anyways GREAT^^


It's not a puzzle, it's nearly a game, you just click everywhere in hope of getting the ''secret''. It does'nt require any concentration, or skill, it's just totally random... wich may be funny when you create the game, but you have to think about the people that will play it, not only yourself, or just don't upload it, if you created a game just for yourself.

not to bad

honestly i couldn't beat it. but i like the concept. but your animation seems nice so a 3 will suffice. needs more work

Credits & Info

2.67 / 5.00

Aug 16, 2009
6:04 PM EDT