pretty damn hard
im smart but not that smart but yea good game
Word Bricks is a retro-style game. Score as high as possible by making words,using the dopping letters, and watch the game becoming more colorful.
pretty damn hard
im smart but not that smart but yea good game
needs a tweak
when you score the "score" text hides a lot of the blocks from view, this is only temporary but it is enough to disrupt gameplay when things start toget more desperate
ok, however
its a good challenging game, however i think you need to improve the likelyness of a vowel appearing, cos i was waiting for ages for a vowel to float down and found it was probably another I. just something i think you should look upon. (maybe if you convert tghe amount of letters per letter from the game Scrabble into chance of how liely a letter is to appear then you should do alright.)