never seen a game like this, I have tons of questions, for example, why is this in the job simulation category? who has this job? and also I got bored after three minutes of playing.
'Because you haven't put your arm into a bull anus so far today '
Hold space bar to Insert
Release space bar to pull out.
Pile bull before the time runs out.
Don't rip your bulls guts out - watch his FACE.
Made to coincide with the re-incarceration of Burmese peace campaigner Aung San Suu Kyi. I shit you not.
**breaking news : I have just been banned from Kongregate for posting this !** please don't ban me from here too ! Sorry if anyone is offended.
never seen a game like this, I have tons of questions, for example, why is this in the job simulation category? who has this job? and also I got bored after three minutes of playing.
The amusement is shortlived, but its unique the graphics are decent and its fun for a while. Great job.
fun for a few minutes
I thought it was funny when I first started playing, but I became bored after a few minutes; very imaginative nonetheless.
lola funny
stupid but creative at the same time. love what happens when you hold space for too long
its simple but i can play this for hours