man.................this is just sad.
you actually made me hate something and thats hard to do i mean for Christs sake did you even try?If you did you suck if you didnt DO!
I was inspired by Dan Malo's MGS: Triple A, so I made my own MGS movie to celebrate my downloadment of MGS: PC Version. Wahay!!!!!
VOTE FIFEN!!!!!!!!
**UPDATE** 23/4/2002
Kernal's mouth is fixed and gun shot is graphically enhanced!!
man.................this is just sad.
you actually made me hate something and thats hard to do i mean for Christs sake did you even try?If you did you suck if you didnt DO!
Dude, that was so incredibly lame
Why do people make this stuff? You could do one that would be way better in half the time it took you to do that one. Come on, just don't submit anything, make it worth your while.
Even though this vid sucks ass, the fact that it just gets straight to the point and then ends is bloody brill, so watch this vid cause its ACE!!!
it would be ok if you add a buncha stuff
well first of all the graphics could be alot better you could maybe draw snake a little better. the idea of bringing clock crew and m.g.s was really good! but the sound sucked i hate the clock voices. no violence except the gun which wasnt reall too great. and it was not funny at all. work on it a while and send back a new and improved version!!