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Dot Avoider 3

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Dot Avoider 3 is here! It is my third flash ever made, but I do believe I am getting better. This makes my previous games Dot Avoider 1 and 2 look like crap. (Even though they kinda were.) I promise this one is much less crappy. Please, tell me what you think of it. But remember that I am still learning.

It has two songs in it, Endless and Revolutions. To access the song Revolutions, go to the options menu. The songs are credited up in the flash information box. They are not mine.

PLEASE tell me if you find any bugs! I can't fix it if you don't tell me whats broken!

Here is a list of new and improved features: (Compared to Dot Avoider 2)

=========New Features Include=========
+Challenge Mode
+Multiplayer Mode
+Scoring System
+Total Playtime Record
+Advanced Instructions Interface
+Spawn Ring
=========Improved Features Include=========
+Hit Detection
+Artificial Intelligence (Challenge Mode)
+AI Boundaries
+Endless Mode

(Updated 7/30/09)
+Fixed Multiplayer Buttons
+Fixed Chose Mode Cheat
+Sped Up Instructions
+Added Again Button To Instructions
I fixed everything you told me about. Enjoy! (Except the button glitch.)
I had also forgot to tell everyone that in Mulltiplayer, Player 1 wins after 30 seconds.

(Updated 12/16/09)
+Deleted gun dot in Challenge Mode
+Fixed permanent gun dot death spot glitch in Challenge Mode
+Changed spawn times in Challenge Mode

Challenge mode is now far superior to how it was before. Instead of dots spawning at whatever score integer I felt like, they now spawn at integers of 500! So, every 500 score you earn a new type of dot spawns. Try and find them all!


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Not bad.

The anti-cheat system is beatable: I was able to right-click at the menu where you select how many dots you want, then left click and hold on one of the buttons (such as "3 Dots"). I then move the mouse off-screen and release. So there's some improvement to be made there.

In multiplayer, the keyboard player should be able to hold a key to make the dot move, and the dot shouldn't be able to move off-screen (that's what I think anyhow). I understand this is a learning game, but these are the things to work on.

When I played single player, the first option I chose was endless and 15 dots, and it turned out to be fairly easy, mostly because of the movement of the dots. They kept on moving in circles, which made them fairly easy to dodge. I think I know why you decided to do this, but you might make them move in these circles, while at the same time they move around the screen at a bit of a faster speed.

Challenge mode was interesting, I think you did a good job on it.

Other than that the game does exactly what it should, and I haven't had any strange menu button issues like some others seem to have.

Laraso responds:

Have you tried Endless --> 13 Dots? It's much harder.

Some glitches

1. When playing multiplayer, once a game is over, the "MAIN MENU" button doesn't work.

2. Sometimes on the main screen, pressing "PLAY" for single player doesn't work. I have to sometimes go to a different screen (lets say instructions) and go back to the main menu and the button will work.

3. Pressing again during the 3 second countdown makes you lose instantly. Not sure if this is intended but it is annoying.

4. The buttons feel glitchy (seriously). Sometimes if I hover over them with my mouse, it makes that animation that my mouse is over it (like it flashes up), but then the flash is then gone forcing me to go over the button over again to click it.

5. NOT A GLITCH -> You should give the options to speed up the instructions, they are extremely slow ...

6. In the music section, the only way to change the music from "ENDLESS" to "REVOLUTION" (and vice-versa) is to mute it first and then click the song you want.

The music is nice though, not gonna lie about that!

Laraso responds:

1: Thank you. I will fix that.

2: I don't know why not, in the thousands of times I have tested this game, it has always worked fine for me.

3: Pressing will always make you lose. If you were able to press during the countdown, you could just hold the mouse button and be invincible once it is finished. INTENDED

4: When writing scripts to the buttons, they did this. I have no idea why. For the ones that glitch, you can't click them whenever they aren't glitching. If you can see the button animation nothing will happen. I am clueless as of how to fix this glitch.

5: Actually, I have been getting alot of complaints about the instructions. Instead of adding an option to speed it up, I will permanently speed it up.

6: Your computer must have been screwing with you. The buttons have been scripted to stop all music before playing the music that you clicked. To see what I mean, click and hold a music button... All music will stop. Then let go. The music you chose should start playing.

Otherwise, thanks for the report. I will try to fix anything possible.

nice game

nice game and job on the anti cheating, but wats the point of anti cheating when there's no leader board still nice game

i cheated lol

im gaining in score as im writing this very simple cheat too but with no competive ranking i cant win so ill tell u it just when u click the button that starts ur game dont let go and go off the screen and there u go inf score

good game, but...

the bottom right corner is not touched untill after 1500 or so about every time i have played...is it a glitch or what?

Credits & Info

2.79 / 5.00

Jul 29, 2009
9:18 PM EDT