hmm very nice...
It looks like you really put some affort in it. I liked the final score where you know which team you are, which wand will you have, what kind of broom, Quidditch position, worst and best class and an overall. Very Nice Job!
This Quiz gave me alot of work, I started making it at 1 am and I finished it at 7 am D:
But it was worth! I think it's very fun!!
(Sorry for any grammar errors in the game, but I'm portuguese :S)
Ho and post your results :D
hmm very nice...
It looks like you really put some affort in it. I liked the final score where you know which team you are, which wand will you have, what kind of broom, Quidditch position, worst and best class and an overall. Very Nice Job!
Thank you very much ^^
And yes I had to put some affor on it! I had to lose a goodnight sleep to make it xD
I hope tonight I can sleep xD
Thanks for your review ^^
I like the life story touch to it at the end. I would say in this area of flash games it was decent at best. The lack of music didn't make it to exciting though. It was kind of short too, however I think it did a good job at guessing what a close to accurate life would be for a person in the Harry Potter series. If you could just change the background and add some music it could have been more refreshing. Overall it did satisfy my time for the minute it took to do the quiz and the other minute or two it took to give you a review. Keep on working though.
Thank you very much! I will keep your sujections in mind for my next quiz ;)
Once again thank you ^^
just a few tweaks here and there, like the lack of music, fix em and it could be brill!
Thank you for the review! I will keep that in mind for the next Quiz ;)
And yes I will add music ^^
It's okay...
Next time add music please :)
I will do that! Thanks ^^
Alright I guess
The grammer didn't seem too bad and the quiz seemed to work although I don't think I would join a bad guy (even if I got a dragon). I have only read the first 4 Harry Potter books and that was some time ago so this game would probabilly appeal to people who are more "into" the series than me. Either way though its a decent quiz game.
Yeah you are right, it's more appealing to people who are more into the series :D
But thanks for taking the quiz ^^