It's OK. Needs some tweaking
I had no clue what I was to do a first. I still am not sure if I figured it out. I did finally see where you mention in the comments that 'Other Stuff' is where the help is. Coming from experience with making forms, you need to make the help easier to access. Having a link that says 'Other Stuff' could mean anything to anyone. What you need to do is rethink your menu screen so that you have enough room to put all the important stuff. Even if you have players click 'Play Game' to get to thinks like the music, difficulty, etc. Same goes with the shop. You need to have that out on the menu screen or other wise if folks don't read your author comment they won't know.
As far as the game play, I find it challenging. Maybe too challenging, if not slightly irritating. OK. Maybe Irritating is too strong of a word but this game does get frustrating fast. I'm not too sure how you could solve that. Maybe add more blocks at a time or something.
Other than that, not bad. I hope you don't find my review too picky but I see where you really wanted honest reviews so I wanted to give it to you.