O_o_O_o_O Wuzzah HUH!?!?!?!?
THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! It makes sence ^_______^ anyway I like it ....
Now if only I could last more than 1 minute -_-
A sequel to Sphere Avoider Variant 3, this has various powerups available. And yes, it does have a mute button - press "m" if you don't like the sound. Which no-one ever seems to in my games (my taste must suck).
O_o_O_o_O Wuzzah HUH!?!?!?!?
THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! It makes sence ^_______^ anyway I like it ....
Now if only I could last more than 1 minute -_-
challinging yet simple
The good games usually are games like this. Nice power up ideas as well, then again those would have been the best anyway.