mutanteoscuro devi essere pu veloce
Hey. It's me.
Just a quick little game I made; I was making it anyway for a project, and I thought I should post it here. Why not, I mean?
The game is pretty simple. Click the green button, don't click the red button. Have fun with it.
I made a game, yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm continuing Castle Crashers or Sonic Chronicles. Check my profile for more info. I'm really sorry to you few 5 or 10 people who actually WANTED to see them.
Do me a favor and get this into the madness Collection :) lol
Sorry about the sound loop; I don't know how to fix that..
mutanteoscuro devi essere pu veloce
I didn't care it was short.I just liked it.
in che senso game over io ho cliccato i bottoni verdi e mi hanno detto alla fine game over
Was Fun To Play But... Really Short...
bit short
really good game but it was a bit short. think you can make a harder and longer one,maybe even a sequel?