make it better.
make a better one.
Just wanted to see what you guys thought of this.
This is Bob, as of right now he is a AI character base, he walks around randomly, thinks, eats, sleeps and goes to the bathroom. Pretty basic stuff, but I am working on turning him into a lot more advanced character base which I will then create many characters out of.
After that is complete I want to create a living city to be populated by the characters with functional farms, markets, people working jobs, sleeping, eating all with their own personal schedules and interests. The final phase would be to use this city in some sort of a game, perhaps a strategy game or city builder.
I will also be putting up ActionScript 3.0 tutorials on my website if anyone is interested.
make it better.
make a better one.
¬¬ piece of crap
Only bcauze i dunt know how to AI so i cant say so much $#¨$&*((&¨*&$¨#%&¨&*(.
Thgis isnt a Sim's movie!
Please be more creative, and make it with more effort
No interactivity
It has potential but as of now its just a naked guy walking around.