i got the top score.....for now :(
I did this version of hangman for a contest. Hope you like it even though its a very basic game.
The Classic game of hangman. You have 10 guesses to try and get the hidden word. Each correct guess wins you points, get the whole word right and you get an extra guess. Once your hung its game over.
Type the letters you want to guess into the keyboard.
You might have to click on the game window once it starts to play.
i got the top score.....for now :(
It was okay, but nothing new. The words were quite hard but I guess that gets your brain working! The only thing I really didn't like was that the music gave me a sore head. Decent game though.
Words are made up or something
I think these words are made up! if they are not then you went searching for words that no one would know, make the words common man or at least have a normal setting for normal words and a hard for these crazy ass words, but the game it's self is cool