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Butterfly Frenzy

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It's not easy being a butterfly. Especially a genetically engineered butterfly that can fire plasma bullets. He has to constantly refill his fuel tank. If his tank runs dry it's game over. And that's not all. Some of his old insect buddies are trying to stop him from having his next meal. GOOD LUCK!

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It just doesn't have enough substance. I got bored pretty quickly because all i was doing was touching flowers that appeared every few seconds. From what I could tell, the plasma bullets were pointless because all they did was cause beetles to explode into 8 bullets.

I don't know if extra powerups came around as you continue to play, but if so, they should come earlier because otherwise a lot of people will probably lose interest before seeing them.

The graphics were good though, so good job there. ^_^

gio-m responds:

i did not add any any power ups in this game. Thank you for your constructive feed back. I will work to make my next game more entertaining. Only by your positive feed back can i made improvements to my games. thank you for your help.

constant firing makes this game a bore

The game itself seems unchallanging if not strange. Constatn firing of plasma seems kinda useless. I also have issues that you can't kill the bee. What is the point of being a radioactive butterfly with plasma beams if you can't kill bees? Also I feel that just keeping alive with flowers is kinda odd. I would be more attuned to the idea of radioactive waste or glowing orbs, but it was flowers. The whole games theme feels too awkward and too off.

The music is a joke, I don't understand why drums have to do anything with a butterfly. I would feel better with synthesizer, flute or even metalica.

gio-m responds:

"The game itself seems unchallanging"
Do you mean that the game at first glance looks easy? Most of the games that i have played start out easy and they get progressively harder. That is what i think I did by adding more enemies the longer you played.

"if not strange."
I will have to admit it is a little strange but I thought an Italian plumber that picked up flowers and then shot out fire balls was strange too.

"What is the point of being a radioactive butterfly with plasma beams if you can't kill bees?"
That is a poor explanation on my part. "Some of his old insect buddies are trying to stop him from having his next meal." I thought that this sentence would transmit the idea that the insects that are after him were also radioactive.

"I would be more attuned to the idea of radioactive waste or glowing orbs"
I thought of doing that at first but then thought against it. I have seen so many games that used a glowing orb and it would take away from the originality of the game. I just felt like stepping out side of the box. Boy is it lonely out here.

"The music is a joke"
Well you got me there. I had someone lined up to make me something and they bailed at the last minute. So I thought how hard can it be. My mistake.


It's OK. Kind of a snoozer. I think if there wasn't a constant plasma stream shooting and you added a little more challenge it would be fun.

gio-m responds:

My top score is 9150. What is yours?

Its meh at times...

Cant kill bees...sucks. >_<;
And the amount of flowers per sec. is sorta low...after a while you bar was doing sprints to the end...at least the bird drops a freeze flower every so often.

Well, I was wondering...have you ever played RadonX? Yeah....this game would be epic if it was like that...bosses included. ^~^


gio-m responds:

I had someone comment on the flowers per sec when i was making the game. I could have fixed that very quickly but i was inpatient to get the game out. Looking back you are both right. I will listen more to my fans in the future.
No i have never played RadonX. I will look for it and try it out. Thank you for your feedback.

Credits & Info

3.00 / 5.00

Jul 10, 2009
5:47 PM EDT