Mind making this in Onlin-play? but with better graphics for the people or letting u be able to choose ur character :D
I started this ages ago and I thought I should finish it, I still haven't finish it but Iv worked on it a bit more, hope you like it.
if you find what you think is a bug or have suggestions, tell me:)
And it dos get harder.
E-Pick Up. R-drop.
I for got to change what is says, buts wasd now, not arow keys!
Wasd to move. (W-up, S-down, D-right, A-left)
use mouse and click for some weapons &
Space for some weapons.
things to do :
more guns
beter menus
music & sound
more difrint bad guys
level up things & upgrades
game modes
split screen multilayer
my highest Kills score is 472 (but I didn't try that hard).
Mind making this in Onlin-play? but with better graphics for the people or letting u be able to choose ur character :D
much improvement from the first. maybe sound effects could be useful?
awesome game. much better than the original. when do get different enemies and level up? also i couldn't pick up the shotgun or rocket launcher
not bad at all
not bad at all very good please finish it
that was fun
i like the idea finish it