Walkthrough and rant
The star of this game, just like most point-and-click games, is just trying over and over again unsuccessfully to set up a big rube-goldberg-esque chain of events until you finally get some sort of idea of what the desired end result might be. Co-starring is an abrupt introduction to the game with no discernible motive to point you in the correct direction, and it's surrounded by a supporting cast of several bugs, annoying music (thank god you didn't forget the mute button), no reset button, no sound effects, and to top it all off, it's all bundled under the "there's only one correct way to beat this game and it's a pretty fucking ridiculous idea that you'll never guess lol" mentality.
Many ideas came to mind when I was given the props in this game, kill the bird with my slingshot out of pure rage and then leave on the tractor, lure the guy out with the rock and then shoot HIM with the slingshot, lure the guy out with the rock and stab him to death with my fork, use the hose and the spigot to make a puddle of water at the bottom of the steps and then use my slingshot to snap the electrical wire and move it into the puddle and then lure the guy out and let him run into the puddle and electrocute him, lure the guy out with the rock and then run him over with the tractor, hide by the steps and lure the guy out them beta him to death with the skateboard, set the hose up on the wire and carry the rock and hose to the top of the electrical post then lure him out with the rock and when he comes out swing down on the hose like indiana jones and kick him in the face and the bottom of the swing, etc etc etc the list goes on. Never once did I get the ambition to make him a pinata. That's the problem with this "one correct answer" mentality. A good puzzle never has but one correct method to obtaining a solution, it rewards the person with the creativity to reach a solution via any methods. The solution in the case of this game was obviously revenge at the guy in the school, and any of my solutions were just as good as yours, if not funnier or more interesting than yours.
Just in case anybody wants a walkthrough to see the ridiculous end result, here is a walkthrough.
-Click the tractor to start it
-Click the hose, click the tractor to attach it to the tractor, then click the electrical post to loop it around the top.
-Click the backpack to pull out the slingshot, then click the lowest apple on the tree to lure the bird away.
-Click the backpack to pull out a fork, then click the electrical post to stick the fork into it.
-Click the electrical post to climb to the top, then click the looped hose at the top to push it down.
-Click the skateboard to set it up for when the guy comes out.
Now get ready and read ahead, because this next part requires some sort of timing:
-Click the rock to throw the rock and lure out the guy.
-Click the bird AS SOON AS the guy comes out onto the step, and he'll shit in his eyes, causing him to stumble onto the skateboard, and roll over and fall into your looped up hose trap.
-When the guys lands in the hose trap, run over to the started up tractor and kick it and he'll get pulled up.
-Anti-climatic finish, you win
All in all, the game could be much better. You pointed out that this is your first run through with AS3, which is cool. But you can test out all your action-scripting on your own, and leave uploading the project to newgrounds until it is completely finished and polished.