Help TurdClock shoot the members of the clock crew (Strawberry, Apple and orange etc) in this asteroid style game. I hope you clock crew ppl dont mind this game so plz vote on it! I want a nice portal award ;)
p.s there is no loading screen so you have to wait until the page is done!
Pretty basic asteroids game, but this time with the Clock Crew. Not really sure why so many have the thrust thing going on instead of just regular motion, but it's fine I guess.
What the heck was that? I'd have to say this was probably the worst version of Asteroids I've ever seen! If you want to make an Asteroids game, at least come up with something that does not involve killing off the clock crew!
Worst asteroids rip off ever
Despite the fact that you get to kill the clocks, this is probably the worst asteroid rip off I have ever seen.
Forget the funny humour and relevance, forget the ship you control being a pile of poo, forget everything as what matters here us GAMEPLAY. Something, that sadly this game lacks in.
First off the graphics were not very good and you could definitely add some variety such as putting in a background for example - come on sue your imagination!
The worst thing of all though was the fact that I found it hard to move in this game, the control method is jerky and slow and I found the ship responding to my touch about 5 seconds late. The content is what really matters here.
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You can't move smothly
Unlike most astroids ripoffs, you have to hit left or right ever time you want to move, and the backwards thrust just makes it stupid. in a fist person flight sim i could see, but in a 2D back is back and front is front, not the other way around, so i blammed this piece of crap, and you should too after you see what i mean.
as a left hander i make the games primerily for me. the control are easier for me to use. get your right handed elitism off ng!