Holy shit.
This is an opening for KK that I created. It is made in the style an intro for an anime, in a dark, "serious" style. I hope you enjoy it!
AND well, this is my last animation in mouse and my first animation with tablet, because 75% is a work in mouse and 25% is in tablet, thanks to TomFulp for the WacomTablet and for all :3
and if you can, recommend this for Music Videos collection :3
PS:i are the red kitty :3
Holy shit.
La joyita que me encontre ctm jasja
I idolize the Kitty Krew very much, i would like to insert my giant penis into their giant asshole as an expression of graditude.
pretty good
but why would anybody make something with the kitty krew in it? all member of that group deserve to be banned, for the stuff they upload...
Awesome MAAAN!
Why would you make such a good flash animation for the Kitty Krew though? All of their submission just take the piss. WHY?!?!?