It's good for a laugh
...But I don't know anything else positive I can say about it.
Hey! My friend made the animation. I did the voices! Enjoy this pile of nothing we made. =3333FADJDHSFFYGW@@gg%HHG 6G$$BG$%RT Sorry, that was him. He has a cage!
It's good for a laugh
...But I don't know anything else positive I can say about it.
Great job on this I cant find anything bad about this.
Rants, ahh.....
It was ok, I feel that the flash would've worked better as a collection of still images because what animation in this was crude. Drawings could've been cleaner.
The humour didn't really click with me and I'm not really one for rants.
In the end it was a very sloppy flash but it seems like you two had fun and thats what's important.
good job
Yeah, I and the animator can understand this =P This, presently, he considers to be a very old animation and he is currently a lot better at drawing (or so he says) and animating =P Thanks for the review =3
very very origional!!
funny as hell!!!!
if u fed it 1000lbs. of beans then and put it on a plane, the pilots would die from all the farts!!! lol!!
them the plane would crash and ta-da! no more elephant!!
wtf guys??