Man, this takes me back. I was in junior high when this gem dropped. DOS! DOS! DOS! DOS! DOS!🤘
The follwing video is a fanimutation ( a weird animated music video like that of Hykyajuichi, Cutey Piggy's Revenge and BAGAGAGA BOP!) and features of variety of people including Megaman, Captain Kangaroo, Baby from Dinosaurs, and Fred Savage as the Grandson. Plus, it's in DUTCH! It's about 4 minutes long so it may take a while to load. Also this video is best viewwed on a really fast computer, otherwise the audio doesn't always synch up as well.
PS: Also check out my other vids like WAKUFUCHITA!
PSS: I forgot to also thank the guy who made that Preloader Turoial a couple of weeks back. It helped a lot!
Man, this takes me back. I was in junior high when this gem dropped. DOS! DOS! DOS! DOS! DOS!🤘
Yep, I couldn't understand any of this. I recognized that baby with glasses from your other animutations. It was really nice to see all these bright colors. I don't know if the title is in Dutch or some other language. You really had no idea what was coming up next. I just love surrealism.
I'm glad I saw "Mad Max: Fury Road" last night. I knew there'd be something at the end. Then again, that does replay the whole thing. My favorite was probably Banana Man. You don't see him much nowadays.
I don't speak Dutch, so I don't have much to say about the song. "Hosse" means "dance." I know that much. Sadly, I can't find much on Duo de Pelikaan. The video used with the song is strangely captivating. The timing is impeccable. The imagery is clever, though it makes me wonder yet again about the odd fascination animutators have with Colin Mochrie. I don't get it. >.< I must be a huge nerd because I actually recognize most of the imagery in the video. The "evil jukebox" looks like something from Richie Rich. I'm trailing off now. Anyway, great video. It's one of my favorites. Well done.
The "I control the boys" segment appeared in the back of my thoughts today and I had to dig through the ABS archives to see if I could find this video. After rewatching this and a crapton of other animutations, I feel like my life has been enriched. I had to make a Newgrounds account just to say: THIS HAS BEEN FLOATING AROUND IN MY HEAD SINCE 2002. WHY?!
This movie is so awesome, like from here to Kandahar, and even further.......
And the music is freakin' addicting! Great job man, great job!
PS. Buy Pischella!