Best SKAER V2 episode. EVAR!!!
Edit again: Weekly 15th. Oh my.
Edit: Hurray front page! And daily fifth isn't bad either! :)
The Punk leader is released from jail after five years. In those five years his companions have prepared an evil surprise for him that starts with 'Punk' and ends with 'Trunk'.
Enjoy the episode! And remember: if you get it on tape, you may g... What?
Best SKAER V2 episode. EVAR!!!
Miss Skater V2
Nice Marcy! :)
lol, not exactly flawless animation but amazing nontheless.
i like how it's a sort of parody of the skate 2 opener xD
nice job!
I prefer awesome animation over flawless animation. :) Thanks, loved the Skate 2 opener vibe, had to copy it. :( :)
A new great episode!
Great stuff!
Well, it's nice that you, MarcyVF are (is?) working on stuff on your own as I usually associate you with TommyVF. While I haven't seen the other episodes, I was very impressed by what I saw. The animation was very nice and the art shift was cool too. I was expecting a pretty humorous flash but was very satisfied I got some great action scenes to watch!