That was cool
Liked it. Needs sound though to be 100%. Sorry that it went nowhere, except here. But I'm sure we'll be seeing more of you.
Rockets, big lips, banana planets....what else do you need? This was made in 5 days with about 12 hours sleep. I can still remember driving through the bleary pain barrier to complete it and hallucinating future glory days as a consequence of the massive exposure it would get in NYC. As it happens the ad company I was making it for had an unprecedented computer crash and the whole project was lost only days before it's deadline. We were all gutted. They very kindly completed it after they got back to the office after the Christmas break. Unfortunately the moment was lost and it never saw the light of day. A classic case of counting my chickens before they hatched.
That was cool
Liked it. Needs sound though to be 100%. Sorry that it went nowhere, except here. But I'm sure we'll be seeing more of you.