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9 Months Later

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that was a treat to watch, it was hilarious and the animations was smooth. I think you should stick with this style of humor and animation, because it really works.

That was very nice

The animation is really nice in this one, and I really liked how it moves so fluidly. I was expecting the baby to somebody's else's father. I didn't even know Tom Fulp had a YouTube account, but it would be really cool if I knew what it was called. The Luis baby's genitals just looked really weird and goofy to me. Of course, I really shouldn't be focusing so much on baby's genitals in the first place. It's nice for there to be satire surrounding the people involved on this great website.

SkoolCool responds:

Thankyou very much.
Yes, maybe the punchline was a bit too predictable.
I actually have no idea if Tom Fulp has a YouTube account or not. I doubt it thou.
Haha, baby genitals, damn.
Thanks again!

Yeeah! Fucking LUIIIIIS!!! :D

Heeey... ¿Recuerdas cuando yo te pregunte algo asi como "Weeey, ¿conoces a Tom Fulp? Es de los bueeenos." y tu al parecer muy indignado me contestaste algo asi como "¿Que acaso yo no soy bueno?" xD
Pues despuesde ver esto tengo que ofrecerte mis mas sincerisimas y lamentadas disculpas porque no me eh cagado tanto de risa en muuuuucho tieeempoooooooo.... Increible :D
Sigue asiii buen hombre y aver si si se hace lo de la guerra de leprechauns (SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH!!!
Seguramente alguno de los fulp ya vio esto y se estara preguntando "¿De donde carajos sale gente tan enferma?" y si no siempre esta el spam por correo :D
Poooor cierto soy Pes

SkoolCool responds:

Jojojo alegre Pes! No esperaba verte por aqui.
Jajaja muchas gracias nuevamente! Arriba la gente enferma y arriba los leprechauns!


Awesome! The animation is great and the movie made me laugh. A lot! I also liked those random things happening, like the doctor eating the blood and saying beep ^^


SkoolCool responds:

Thanks guy! Very aprecciated.

Podre Tom xD

Veamos el lado positivo, por lo menos Tom ya sabe quien estaba en su casa cuando el andaba ocupado xD, muy buena animación.

SkoolCool responds:


Credits & Info

4.32 / 5.00

May 6, 2009
12:56 PM EDT
  • Daily 5th Place May 7, 2009