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madness matrix

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my amazingly powerfully stereo filled movie. i hope that you seem to even attempt to enjoy this.

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Do not watch this. It is literally one picture over a large amount of frames, hence the loading time.

read below

i had the link for madness interactive matrix rayne but i cant put it into the chat sorry guys but pm me and tell me to email it to you so you can play :)

Sorry, but it was a waste of time

All you did is to make a lot of frames, you made like a million of frames, I'm not trying to be mean but your movies shouldn't be a waste of peoples time because it's a loop and loads a lot. Please make an original movie.


Sorry about all those harsh reviews but I fell for u win some loose some hey it least it is a good movie after the loading time =]


is it even loading?

ojo69 responds:

yeah! lolz!

Credits & Info

2.42 / 5.00

May 3, 2009
9:21 PM EDT