Some things to focus on.
Stay away from the transform tool when you're doing stick fights and easing as much as possible. it looks cheap and when done otherwise like just drawn over again it'll be much better.
It also seemed like the timing between the hits was a bit fast. It's not bad to have a fast fight or a fast hit but if you're going to do that you'll need to ease the motion after the fight instead of just stopping. Some of the moves and transitions between the moves are drawn incorrectly. The one frame that you have that hits the guy is what you want your viewer to see, so make sure that the position is good and accurate.
The arms on the guy attacking the other should move when he hits the other guy. Just live out your combination and see what your arms do.
The reactions on the guy being hit can be worked on. What I recommend is having the guy get hit in one from and ease to a position. You have him being hit and then transforming to a new position every frame and it's hard to follow and it looks too fast or wobbly. Have him ease to a new position and then when he's hit again ease to another position. When he was hit in the air, add more frames now. There is no rush to make it look smoother.
What I think you need to work on is easing, exxageration, force, and timing. It seems to fast, the positions of your stick seem off after a hit like that, and the moves need more of an *UMPH. I dont' know how to explain that.
But keep practicing, it'll pay off i swear.