Best self-insertion fanfic of your trials and tribulations as a 75 pound japanese girl stuck in baka-gaijin-land studying Japanese at the local college with all those baka-gaijins who know nothing about Glorious Nippon or its fine art which has been shamelessly paraded all over the West through media which moronic imbecilic children aged 16 and under use to define what is the new hip thing that they can all shamelessly sack-ride all over while arguing who made it popular when it was not their doing but the very nature of Japan's true and only glorious art, there are no other Japanese artists like those who make the glorious anime.
I mean come the fuck on what the fuck else am I supposed to say, Im not a faggot I didnt go to college to study Japanese; Im American, Im not going to hide it, and not going to shame another culture by pretending Im part of their culture just by being a 35 year old manchild anime fan. I honestly had no idea what it said and as far as I know my previously explained understanding is correct.