It wasn't bad, but it wasn't anything special. Kinda short and not that much action, try putting more time into a flash movie, and more of a story, and a little music and you'll have a good flash movie.
These quick reflexes are veiwed with a slow cam. My second submission.
It wasn't bad, but it wasn't anything special. Kinda short and not that much action, try putting more time into a flash movie, and more of a story, and a little music and you'll have a good flash movie.
Nice flash but its missin sumthin. Great job though on the different speeds of the cam. Hope to see more of ur work soon!
Best Flash Movie Ever Made
Congratulations, you made the best flash movie ever.
Poor stick movue.
This is a very short, and poorly drawn, very badly made stick movie.
Putting in a slow motion replay doesn't help much, if at all.
When the best feature is an irrelevant sound clip to everything, it's definately not a good sign.
You really need to try harder next time.
Maybe you really need to try harder when typing your reviews, considering it's a complete rip-off of one of the other reviews.
Poor stick movie
A very short, poorly drawn, badly made stick movie. When the best feature is an irrelevant sound clip, it's not a good sign. Putting in a slow motion replay doesn't help. Try harder next time.