Okay,I'm sick of me sh*tting out on animations ( I Suck,I know!).
Well,now,this is what I've presented on a contest and with this I've been qualified for the finals.This should be good.If it ain't,I'm leaving Flash to real artists,and I'll just mind my own C++ or something.
Sorry if it sounded rude,but that wasn't intended.
The theme of the competition was to choose 2 words wich start with "D" and try to link them.From this you can't really understand but the full presentation expresses Dance&Dare better.
I can't put the actual presentation (576 MB with all the MP3's + Videos,some 35 MB without them) but if you really want,I could archive and put it on RapidShare.
***It's a large flash (8 megs) so it may load slowly-I have put a preloader,but it may not show because of the large size***