I love how the easter bunny gets all buff out of nowhere. And also, SUPER SAIYAN JESUS!!!!!!!!
Edit** Yo coud people recommend this for the Easter Collection?
Hey Guys this was kinda a rushed project since I wanted it out for Easter.
It's so far the longest animation I have ever made, so I hope you all like it.
Well go ahead, watch it!
I love how the easter bunny gets all buff out of nowhere. And also, SUPER SAIYAN JESUS!!!!!!!!
Glad you enjoyed it
Orgasim of Awsomeness
This animation was an orgasim of awsomeness. It made me cum, thats how good it was. This Billy Hughes is the Picaso of Flash Animation. His unique style of animating shall be studied by philosophers for centuries to come. Keep up the good work!.
That was a gold, too bad about the ending.
I'd love to watch what what he does next.
Make sure you get the finished product up soon!
Only gave it an 8 because it wasn't finished.
Yeah I hope I have time to put up another copy
Oi vey.
Sub-par pop culture references, amateurish animation, autistic syncing...
It's a good thing Jesus is dead. He would have slit his wrists shortly after watching this animation.
LOL glad you liked it :3
Bit too random
It ended way too early, that is never a good thing =/ But considering that you wanted to finish it for easter it's understandable.
Btw, "collaborate" means working together with a team of people :D [/education]
lol i know, the title is kinda a joke, thats why its called a SOLOCOLLAB, its an oximoron