Good job you have a lot of potential... however u spell that
This is the second episode of The Red Smiley (watch the previous one before you watch this).
This time, after the "accident" on the last Red Smiley, the Red Smiley is now in his gang's hospital
and it is full by gang memebers.
Apperantly, Timmy (the green guy) had payed The Cyans gang to kill or wound the Red Smiley (it's
a gang war you know) - in this case wound. Now he is trying to furthur hit the Red Smiley while he is
a bit wounded. The only thing Timmy doesn't know is that the Red Steam are planning a payback.
Here is a link to the previous Red Smiley: /portal/view/490846
Good job you have a lot of potential... however u spell that
Thanks mate! I am working on a squel, which will hopfully be better lol.
i liked it but it needs voices and change the smileys into people, then more people would like it
exactly like your last one
It is the same quality as #1,normally sequels should be better then the previous, so you might want to see my reveiw on #1 for tips.
well yeah.. as I said.. It was made a couple of years ago and I just found on my comp change some stuff and uploaded it.. Now, I am hoping to realease a squel with better graphics and animations (and effects).
ok i guess
could use more audio, it honestly looks like you spent 5 minutes moving circles around. and you dont need to swear so much, i mean seriously. nice try but you could do better. final score 5
not 5 mints cuz I have many shitty parts that I had to cut off (trust me, a lot of headache). the problem was that at the first part, without the music, I was spoused to put an audio of a mysterious track. But it was fucked up and I didn't have power to find another so I just said: "Fuck it, let's just upload".
tht was omfg!!
lmafao lolz srry itz just that.................................
lol can you re-write your comment, I just don't understand what do you want. Well by the score, I guess you liked it so thanks!