that was epic
Popcorn Minute 2 Still Only A Minute! Is A Original And Parody Packed Episode Featuring:
Bill, MGS 4, Jake And James and Others!
Be Sure To Watch Multiple Times!
For People With Short Attention Spans,
A Sense of Humor.. And Players of MGS 4 and TES IV Oblivion.
that was epic
I'd have to say that I view Snake in a completely different way now, and considering all of the thousands of Metal Gear parodies, that's saying a lot.
Way to go, now I'm going to giggle to myself everytime I think of metal gear or noodles.
Awesome LOL!
i love your stuff so FUCKING much! you and your brother need to sell this stuff on dvd :D
Finch!!! YEAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Ich bin ein Berliner
Trying to surf the random-hype-wave that occured years ago ? Seriously, throwing random movies with bad graphics and voice acting is a bit too easy to appeal the childish audience. The only good part was that one guy shooting the knight. Pretty funny I must admit. But otherwise, it was overall lame and shameless.
You haven't masted the Random yet.
Trying to Act Cool When You Know Your Not, That Died Milleniums Ago.
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