funny but...
i thought it was very funny but the voiceing was to low i could hardly hear what thay were saying so i missed half of what was going on
Took me very long to do it.
feel free to Vote, Comment, give feedback
If you'd like to see the previous episodes
Ep 1 http://tomcii.deviantart.
com/art/Advantures-of-Squ irrel-Ep-1-84325370
Ep 2 http://tomcii.deviantart.
com/art/Aos-Episode-2-105 766290
funny but...
i thought it was very funny but the voiceing was to low i could hardly hear what thay were saying so i missed half of what was going on
hmmmm lol
Ok......First off, it was pretty amusing, the voices where pretty cheesy and not the best but that kinda put into the randomness and made it better. Mouths where well animated, it was lengthy, you could have split it up into 2 episodes but thats just my opinion.
I didnt see the previous episodes but I felt I didnt need to 1. because of the summary of the last 2 episodes and 2. BECAUSE IT WAS SO RANDOM! but overall I think it was pretty good!..........Jerk :P
Oh man,the sarcasm and randomness in this movie is so funny! xD I like how the moose goes to one subject, and then quickly to another.
Um, what the hell?
Were you on speed when you made this? If I could i would give you 0 stars.
Love the voiceacting. Good, great, umm, F-tastic