Noob at flash?
I definetely don't think so, perhaps you're just lazy, because you rock with this FBF animations. Keep up the good work man! Very awesome! If you take more time with your animations, you could make a Front Page Flash!
as you had seen or you'll see... this is a kinda shity-no-awesome animation.. but I made an effort to make a good beggining
I'm PROUD 2 say that I'm NOOB at flash
Noob at flash?
I definetely don't think so, perhaps you're just lazy, because you rock with this FBF animations. Keep up the good work man! Very awesome! If you take more time with your animations, you could make a Front Page Flash!
maybe your right hahahahaha I would added more but you said.. I'm too lazy XD
thnx =)
Very creative
I liked this flash for some odd reason.... it was very fluent and smooth... and the shadow part of it was pretty cool too... pretty cool :)
thnx =D
That was great!
...I saw many bad things in that ._.
But it was good non the less.
heh heh. Four. Fantastic. Heh.
truly's not the 4fantastic... it's my symbol ^__^'.... I did like 6 years ago, before I realize the existense of 'em hahahahahaha
Although there isnt much i still recon its pretty cool animation and a longer one of just the crazy make-no-sence would be really cool. Keep up the good work
yeah 8D, i think that the best part of this idea is the random thing going fast with nothing in particular =P
RANDOMLY COOL love the song its just so random look at that thing go i liked it but i guess i look at stuff abstract so yer
XD it's ineresting seeing something small going in ramdom directions, isn't it?
hahahahaha xD