Heh, cute.
Pretty good game for when you're really bored. Or something like that. And I'm one of those guys. So yeah, nice job.
yeah, i was just fooling around with this, this was part of a bigger page i was working on, but i like the music.
oh yeah, plays on mouse over.
Heh, cute.
Pretty good game for when you're really bored. Or something like that. And I'm one of those guys. So yeah, nice job.
Great music
Although there isn't really much to this, the music (in my opinion) makes up for the lack of anything else. Where did you find that music, anyways? I think I might want to download those.
how could evrybody can give a 10 on that!!!!
I've always hated the clock but now i hate them at the biggest point. I'm sure that you post that for a joke (I hope).
Thanks for voting,ki1oclock
Thanks for voting,ki1oclock
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dance dance!